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Forum for Safe Rodent Control in New England
Recording available
Mass Audubon recently hosted a Forum for Safe Rodent Control in New England, and you can watch the recording and/or view the slides.
During the forum, an introduction was given to the harms of rodent poisons and alternative non-poison rodent control options. This was followed by a lively panel discussion with panelists:
- Dr. Charles Clarkson, Director of Avian Research with the Audubon Society of Rhode Island
- Robert Linscott – Owner of North Shore Wildlife, a MA non-poison pest control company
- Natasha Waden, Public Health Director (recently former) in Arlington, MA
- Josh Morse, Commissioner of Public Buildings in Newton, MA
Below are links to resources that include information on chemical alternatives (including contraceptives), indoor and outdoor prevention and exclusion methods, tools to advocate within your community and more:
- Non-poison Integrated Pest Management Toolkit
- Integrated Pest Management Resources and Options
- Mass Audubon’s Rescue Raptors brochure
- Audubon Society of RI’s SGARs and IPM flyer
- Report Rodent Sighting (
- Newton’s Don’t Attract Rodents guide
If you would like to get more involved and haven’t already joined Mass Audubon’s grassroots advocacy program, Climate and Nature Champions and you’re interested in keeping in the loop about our rodenticide advocacy, please SIGN UP HERE